

All configurations are written in Lua . A default configuration directory differs depending on your platform.


  • Same directory as the base directory of iceberg executable file


iceberg searchs a configuration directory in the following order:

  • ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/iceberg if XDG_CONFIG_HOME envvar exists.
  • ${HOME}/.config/iceberg if ${HOME}/.config is an existing directory path.
  • ${HOME}/.iceberg

This directory shall be expressed as ICEBERG_CONFIG_HOME in this document.

A configuration file has several global functions and global variables.

Configuration files are also loaded from ${ICEBERG_CONFIG_HOME}/config.d/*.lua .

auto_merge can be used for writing configurations loaded from config.d.

local ibs = require("icebergsupport")

auto_merge = true -- configurations such as ``system`` and ``commands`` after this line will automatically be merged

system = {
    enable_icons = false

Note that if you do not set auto_merge to true, all global variables will be overwritten.

Key names

The following key names can be used in configurations. You can combine modifier keys and other keys by - (up to 3 keys) . The hot key configuration accepts OS native virtual keycodes.


"0x1d" -- Muhenkan on Windows(jp106 keyboard layout)
"0x1c" -- Henkan on Windows(jp106 keyboard layout)
  • Modifiers
    • shift
    • caps_lock
    • ctrl
    • alt
    • num_lock
    • meta
    • scroll_lock
  • Others
    • a - z
    • 0 - 9
    • space
    • backspace
    • tab
    • iso_key
    • enter
    • pause
    • scroll_lock
    • escape
    • home
    • left
    • up
    • right
    • down
    • page_up
    • page_down
    • end
    • print
    • insert
    • menu
    • help
    • num_lock
    • kp0 : keys start with “kp” are on a numeric keypad
    • kp1
    • kp2
    • kp3
    • kp4
    • kp5
    • kp6
    • kp7
    • kp8
    • kp9
    • kp_enter
    • kp_last
    • f1
    • f2
    • f3
    • f4
    • f5
    • f6
    • f7
    • f8
    • f9
    • f10
    • f11
    • f12
    • f_last
    • shift_l
    • shift_r
    • control_l
    • control_r
    • caps_lock
    • meta_l
    • meta_r
    • alt_l
    • alt_r
    • delete
    • volume_down
    • volume_mute
    • volume_up
    • media_play
    • media_stop
    • media_prev
    • media_next
    • home_page
    • mail
    • search
    • back
    • forward
    • stop
    • refresh
    • sleep
    • favorites

System global variable

Examples and descriptions

system = {
  -- a default value of limiting the depth of the search path --
  default_search_path_depth = 2,

  -- should show icons on listbox? --
  enable_icons = true,

  -- an icon theme : meaningful only for Linux platforms --
  icon_theme = "nuoveXT.2.2",

  -- a maximum number of cached icon data --
  max_cached_icons = 9999,

  -- show completion candidates after N ms since the last key input --
  -- you can suppress unnecessary completions by setting this value on low-end machines --
  key_event_threshold = 0,

  -- a maximum number of commands to remember on the history file --
  max_histories = 500,

  -- a maximum number of candidates on the listbox --
  max_candidates = 15,

  -- a maximum number of clipboard histories : meaningful only for Windows platforms --
  max_clipboard_histories = 15,

  -- degree of influence of histories on completion candidates sorting(0.0~1.0) --
  history_factor = 0.8,

  -- an application to handle directories. ${1} will be replaced with a directory path --
  file_browser = [[explorer ${1}]],

  -- an application to handle CUI applications. ${1} will be replaced with a command text. This application must be executed as a login shell --
  terminal = [[lxterminal -l -e ${1}]],

  -- a port number to accept commands from external processes.(0: disabled) --
  server_port = 13505,

  -- should do autocompletion in a path completion --
  path_autocomplete = true,

  -- should do autocompletion in an option completion --
  option_autocomplete = true,

  -- do not use DirectWrite --
  disable_direct_write = false,

  -- DirectWrite parameters. an empty string means using default parameter --

  -- Keys --
  -- hot_key accepts OS dependent virtual key codes --
  --   Example: hot_key = "0x1d"  muhenkan(jp106 keyboard layout) --
  hot_key = "ctrl-space",
  escape_key = "escape",
  list_next_key = "ctrl-n",
  list_prev_key = "ctrl-p",
  toggle_mode_key = "ctrl-r",
  kill_word_key = "ctrl-w",

  -- Search paths --
  search_path = {
    {category="system", path = [[C:\Windows\System32]], depth = 1, pattern="^.*\\.(exe)$"},
    {category="programs", path = [[C:\Users\]] .. os.getenv("USERNAME") .. [[\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs]], depth = 10, pattern=[[^.*\.(exe|lnk)$]]},
    {category="programs", path = [[C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs]], depth = 10, pattern=[[^.*\.(exe|lnk)$]]},

  -- Completions --
  completer = {
    -- a command name completion: fuzzy match --
    command = ibs.COMP_ABBR,

    -- a path completion: prefix match --
    path    = ibs.COMP_BEGINSWITH,

    -- a history completion: partial match --
    history = ibs.COMP_PARTIAL,

    -- an option completion --
    option  = ibs.COMP_PARTIAL,

    -- completion functions --
    option_func = {
      [":scan_search_path"] = function(values, pos)
        local candidates = {"all"}
        local keys       = {all = true}
        for i, value in ipairs(system.search_path) do
          if value.category ~= nil and keys[value.category] == nil then
            table.insert(candidates, value.category)
            keys[value.category] = true
        return candidates

Search paths

iceberg can search under search paths and register found commands by single command( :scan_search_path ). A search path consists of

category:You can pass a category to :scan_search_path to filter target search paths. If a category is not specified, default is used as a category.
path:A base directory of this search path.
depth:Limit the depth of the search path to this value. If depth is not specified, system.default_search_path_depth is used as depth
pattern:A regular expression to filter files by its name. Files that match this regular expression will be registerd with iceberg.

Completion functions

Commands can have a completion function.

function(values, pos)
  return {"a", "b", "c"}

-- もしくは

function(values, pos)
  return {
   {value="a", icon="path_to/icon.png", description="desc"},
   {value="b", icon="path_to/icon.jpg", description="desc"},
   {value="c", icon="path_to/icon.gif", description="desc"}

values is a list of arguments for the command. If no argument exists, value will be a list that has single empty string entry. pos is an index of value where cursor exists. Completion functions have to return the list of strings or a table contains following keys:

value:Completion value(required).
icon:An icon file path for this command
always_match:Disables candidate filtering by user text input. Typically this option is set to true in a command such as searching a term in Google.

Please refer to icebergsupport.comp_state() for writing a complex completion function.

commands global variable


commands = {
  -- A directory, will not be recorded in the history file --
  windir = {path = [[C:\Windows]], history = false},

  -- An executable file, runs with a iceberg current directory --
  np = {path = [[notepad.exe]], description="Notepad", workdir="."},

  -- An executable file, will be run as an administrator user
  admin_cmd = {path = [[cmd.exe]], description="cmd.exe(runas admin)", sudo = true},

  -- A shell script file, executed in the terminal --
  np = {path = [[]], description="My script", terminal="yes"},

  -- A lua function, has a completion function --
  lua_sample = {
    path = function(args)
      local explorer = wins.foreground_explorer()
      if explorer then
    completion = function(values, pos)
      return {"1","2","3"}
    description="Sample Lua command"},

  -- A URL, has a png icon file --
  google = { path = [[${1}]], description=[[Searches words on Google]], history=false,
       icon = script_path ..[[images\google256.png]]},

  -- A group of commands --
  group_sample = { path = ibs.group_command({"windir", {}}, {"np", {}}), description = "runs a group of commands"},



Commands consist of


A key of the commands table.


A file path or URL or lua function. A path can contain arguments like the following.

path = [["C:\s p a c e\bin.exe" arg1 arg2]]

Paths that contain spaces must be enclosed in " .

Positional variables can be use in a path. If the inputbox has google iceberg and a path of the google command is defined as follows, ${1} will be replaced with iceberg

path = [[${1}]]

In a Lua function, the function receives a list of string. Lua functions should return 0 when function executed successfully, 1 otherwise.


A completion function that has same form as system.completer.option_func. Completion functions can either be defined in a command definition or system.completer.option_func . This value overrides system.completer.option_func if both are defined.


A description for this command.


An icon file path. On Linux platforms, an icon name in an icon theme is valid. If an icon name is used, iceberg select the best size of an image automatically.


If this value is set to "yes", the command will always be executed in the terminal. "no" means the command will be executed without the termina. If this value is set to "auto" , iceberg determines whether or not this command should be executed in the terminal.


If this value is set to false, Additional arguments will no be recorded in the history file.


A working directory of this command.

  • strings
  • . : use iceberg current directory
  • Lua function: use a return value(string) of the function. You can make iceberg and your file browser cooperate by writing a function that returns a current directory of your file browser.

If this value is set to true, this command will be run as an administrator user.

shortcuts global variables


shortcuts = {
  { key = "ctrl-d", name = ":opendir" },
  { key = "ctrl-l", name = ":cd" }

Consider, when you have pressed ctrl-l and the inputbox values is c:\ . In this situation, the following command will be executed

:cd c:\

In short, an inputbox value is passed as an argument to the command.

on_key_up event handler

This function will be executed when you release the key on the keyboard.

function on_key_up()
  local accept = 0
  return accept

If you want to prevent default behavior, return 1 .

on_key_down event handler

This function will be executed when you press the key on the keyboard.

function on_key_down()
  local accept = 0
  return accept

If you want to prevent default behavior, return 1 .

on_enter event handler

This function will be executed when you press the Enter key on the keyboard.

function on_enter()
  local accept = 0
  return accept

If you want to prevent default behavior, return 1 .

on_initialize event handler

This function will be executed just after iceberg is launched.

function on_enter()
  local error = 0
  return error

If this function returns 1, the launching process will be stopped.