

iceberg is a simple and extensible keystroke application launcher.

  • Prefix match, Partial match, Fuzzy match
  • Migemo search(Japanese text search by English alphabets)
  • History search
  • Execute lua functions
  • Lua APIs
_images/screenshot_01.jpg _images/iceberg_demo_01.gif _images/iceberg_demo_02.gif

How to install


Download a zip file from Release and unzip it where you want. iceberg does not use the registry.

Linux(Ubuntu 14.04)

iceberg requires the following packages. You can install these packages with apt-get install .

  • g++
  • gdb
  • autoconf
  • libpng12-0-dev
  • libpng++-dev
  • libjpeg8-dev
  • libjpeg-turbo8-dev
  • libftgl2
  • libfontconfig
  • libx11-dev
  • libglu1-mesa-dev
  • libasound2-dev
  • libxft-dev
  • libonig-dev
  • libmigemo-dev
  • gksu

Next, download a zip file from Release and unzip it .

And then run the following commands :

% ./tools/install_requires.sh
% make
% sudo make install

On Linux, only UTF-8 is supported for system encodings.


Not verified though, It may be possible to compile with libraries that are equivalent to avobe packages. g++ must be newer than 4.9 .

How to use

In this example we will use the default configurations.

Add commands

First, you need to add applications. Input :scan_search_path all and hit Enter. Now iceberg scans your applications and add these applications to iceberg.

A default configuration directory differs depending on your platform.


  • Same directory as the base directory of iceberg executable file


iceberg searchs the default configuration directory in the following order:

  • ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/iceberg if XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable exists.
  • ${HOME}/.config/iceberg if ${HOME}/.config is an existing directory path.
  • ${HOME}/.iceberg

This directory shall be expressed as ICEBERG_CONFIG_HOME in this document.

There are many way to add your applications.

  1. Create shortcuts( *.link On Windows or .desktop On Linux) under ${ICEBERG_CONFIG_HOME}/shortcuts} .
  2. Execute :scan_search_path shortcuts in iceberg.

In addition, iceberg has the following method to add applications.

  • Search paths
    1. Define search paths in configuration files.
    2. Execute :scan_search_path CATEGORY. CATEGORY must be a category that was defined in 1 or all .
      • Files that match search path patterns will be added to iceberg.
  • Write commands in configuration files: Please refer to Configurations for further information.

Built-in internal commands

iceberg has several commands called built-in internal commands. All built-in internal command names start with : .

  • :version : Shows the version of iceberg.
  • :exit : Shut iceberg down.
  • :reboot : Reboot iceberg.
  • :pwd : Shows the current directory of iceberg.
  • :cd : Changes the current directory of iceberg.
  • :scan_search_path : Scans search paths and add files to iceberg.
  • :opendir : Opens a first argument as a directory.
  • :empty : This command will be executed when the inputbox is empty. On Windows, iceberg opens a terminal with the foreground explorer’s path by default. On other platforms, iceberg opens a terminal with the current directory of iceberg.

And the following commands are added by default.

  • google : Searchs a first argument by Google.
  • cal : A calculator that can be used such as cal 10+2

The following commands are added by default only on Windows.

  • control_panel : Shows the control panel.
  • windows_service : Shows the windows services.
  • my_computer : Shows the ‘My Computer’ .
  • network_computer : Shows the network computers.
  • mkdir : Creates a new directory named a first argument under the foreground explorer’s path.
  • alttab : Equivalent to alt+tab task switcher. Input alttab and hit space.
  • clipboard : Shows a list of the histories. The selected history will be copied into the clipboard when this command is executed.

The following commands are added by default only on Linux.

  • locate : Equivalent to the locate command.
  • kill : Equivalent to the kill command, processes can be completed by its name.

Current directory

iceberg has its own current directory. This directory can be shown pwd command and changed by :cd command.

Execute commands

Once iceberg has been started, you hides it by hitting escape key. And you bring it forward again by holding the alt key and tapping the space key.

You can then type some keys for searching the commands and select found commands by ctrl-p and ctrl-n. Once you have selected the command, hit enter to execute the commands.

If you add a prefix ! such as !notepad at this time, the commands will be executed under the current directory of iceberg rather than the current directory that is associated with the command itself. You can input a text that include spaces by enclosing the text within " such as "aaaa bbbb" .

iceberg also can browse file systems. The file browser mode will start by typing such as C:\ and ./ . On Windows, iceberg shows a list of drives by typing / or \ .


On Windows, you can use both / and \ as a separator of path components. But in some situations, you can use only / . If an inputbox value is "C:\Document and Settings\name", you can not type "C:\Document and Settings\name\" . \ after name is considered as an escape character for the tail " .


You can execute commands with an inputbox value by hitting some special key combinations. By default, ctrl-d opens a directory that is associated with a selected command. In this case, an inputbox value was passed as an argument to :open command.

Switch to the history mode

You can switch mode to the history mode by ctrl-r . In the history mode, commands will be completed including arguments.

Send messages from external processes

You can interact with an already existing iceberg instance by executing iceberg like the following :

iceberg.exe -m "exec COMMAND_TO_EXECUTE"
iceberg.exe -m "set TEXT_TO_SET_INTO_INPUTBOX"
iceberg.exe -m "activate"

This functionality will be enabled if system.server_port is not set to 0 .

Further information

Please refer to Configurations , API , Plugins and Tips for further information.