

iceberg has a plugin system. This document describes how to use and develop plugins.

How to use

Just put a plugin directory under ${ICEBERG_CONFIG_HOME}/plugins .

You can disable a certain plugin by renaming its directory name with a new name starting with _ .

How to develop


A plugin is a simple directory that has main.lua . Typically, plugins have the following structure :

plugin-name          - plugin directory
  +---- main.lua     - main script of the plugin
  +---- icon.svg     - icon file

main.lua template

01  local ibs = require("icebergsupport")
02  local script_path = ibs.dirname(debug.getinfo(1).source:sub(2,-1))
04  local config = {
05    name = "myplugin",
06    conf1 = "aaa"
07  }
08  ibs.merge_table(config, plugin_myplugin or {})
10  commands[] = {
11    path = function(args)
12    end,
13    completion = function(values, pos)
14    end,
15    description = "My plugin",
16    icon = ibs.join_path(script_path, "icon.svg"),
17    history=false
18  }
  • Line 04 : Holds configurations for this plugin as a local variable.
  • Line 08 : Users can overwrite the configurations with a global variable named plugin_PLUGINNAME .
  • Line 09 : Adds a command. Refer to Configurations for further information.

Available plugins